Monday, November 3, 2008

SO BUSY!! (kinda!)

WOW! i havent posted for a long time... sometimes i forget i even have a blog hehe! So far school is going good except for the SCHLOADS of home work that i have been getting lately! holy crap i swear the teachers think its funny or something to pile up the homework... haha very funny!! duurrr! dont they have anything better to do?!?! ;) well here is an update on the boy situation at school...i am going out with this total hottie, who is the sweetest guy i have ever met! He has short dark hair and is smart, sweet and tall! i really do LIKE him!! P.S if ya didnt know i have a BABY BROTHER!!!! He is pretty much the cutest baby on earth! He is really good too.. but he poops ya! But im so glad we were able to have a sweet little baby born to our family! Although his farts are almost as bad as uncle ty ty's i think we'll keep him! ;) well i think thats all i can think of right now so until something else pops up on my mind to write about ill see ya later!! Love all of ya!! xoxox


1 comment:

Elisa and Tyler said...

LOL! Bay, I don't know that ANYONES are worst than Ty's but Zander comes close for sure! I hated when I had tons of homework. . . don't your teachers realize you have a life? :) Tanner looks like a cutie! Love ya