Monday, July 21, 2008

Bear Lake!!

On the 18th my Dad's side of the family went down to Bear Lake. We stayed in this huge cabin, it was so spacious and AWESOME!! We stayed for three days, and two nights, that was plenty because after the second day it started to get out of control!! WE went down to the lake on Saturday and had the best time ever, me and my two older cousins went on the triple threat(its a tube that sits three people) and my dad drove us on the boat so fast and he was whipping us around, i think i got whiplash!!:) Anyways it was just a very fun family reunion, it wouldn't of happened without my giving grandparents, thanks Grandma and Grandpa:)

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Im FINALLY feeling better!!!

UHH, i have been sick for SIX days, i have been coughing, throwing up, my throat has been killing me, i had the worst stomach ache, and i broke out in a scabby rash. I have never felt so crappy in my entire life!! I am so glad that i am feeling better though, i owe a HUGE thanks to my mom for taking care of me this last week, she is the greatest mom ever!! Now that we know fro sure that its not Mono i get to go to Bear Lkae for my Dad's family reunion, and get to go to my Mom's baby shower!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!:):):):):)

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Fourth of July Fun!!

For the Fourth of July, We went up to Preston, Idaho to visit my Grandparents and my Aunt and her three kids!! It was a blast, we stayed from 3:00pm to 11:00pm!:) They have this cute little dog next door to their house, his name is Stewie he is a Border collie and a German Shepard mix.. i know, weird huh? But he was the cutest little puppy(besides honey!) I played with him like the entire time! Anyways we had such a fun time! Happy Fourth of July Everybody!!!! :):):):)

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I had the wierdest dream!!!

Ok.... this is like the weirdest dream i have ever had, I was like 15 and my school went on this field trip to this place called the Whale Shop Service! I had never heard of it before, but it seemed safe!:) So we hopped into the busses and drove... and drove... and drove for 3 hours! When we arrived, i was so amazed.. the store was like as big as 20 walmarts put together!:0 So heres what they had you do, they took you into this room and there were like 100 computer thingy's that you signed onto and then there was a list of all their supplies. We had to make a list of all the stuff that we wanted to buy, we could choose from school supplies, clothes, food, music,video games, anything that you could think of! After our list was made they took us into the store where we handeed our list to a WHALE!!!! The weirdest part was when the whale was shopping for you, you were in this spa getting treated like a queen!!!:D It was So cool and weird at the same time! Then after the whale had finished shopping for you he purchased the stuff for you, and then came and got you!! HAHA!!!!!!! When i woke up i was like holy crap that was a very interesting dream!